Work is continuing behind the scenes. August 2009 was surprisingly busy to me and to my customers. Nordea bank announced today that the economic downturn is over. This is something that the stock prices have predicted about a half a year. To those of you who are not familiar with its behavior, I like to remind that highest peek of unemployment normally occurs about half a year after the lowest economic output and that stock prices change direction before it.We have still bumpy road ahead if the bottom is in the Winter. Businesses lack money, cash to invest. Reorganizing takes time when a lot of people is involved. Inventing new ideas might be happening when we have time for that but realizing them is difficult. We need to ask permissions.
Antti Tarvanen opened a new blog about agile acquisition that is julkiset ohjelmistohankinnat in Finnish. I try to be active there, too. ScrumAlliance starts exams 1.10.2009. Find more at have few courses before that. So getting a CSM status without the exam is still possible, but everyone assures that passing the exam will be easy. I have now new versions of my favorite tools Enterprise Architect and Netbeans. EA is now capable of generating code from statechart diagrams. Netbeans 6.7.1 has interesting things in JavaFX, SOA and Webservices. I have been working with Debian flavors of Linux at home and I think that the progress in the open source area is also changing the world.
That is it now, folks. At 1:20 AM.